Weiß Refrain ~ the music of Weiß Kreuz
Welcome to Weiß Refrain, an unofficial database and TAFL-approved fanlisting for the music of everyone's favourite implausibly entertaining train wreck franchise, Weiß Kreuz (ヴァイスクロイツ), and the myriad insanities that spun off from it. I have been a fan of WK and its amazing music since first stumbling across the anime series way, way back in the day, and there are few -- if any -- English sites left that chronicle and organise its many, many musical releases, so I decided it was high time to fill the gap once again myself. If you were or are a fan of the music of WK, or just the group Weiß themselves, please add your name to the fanlisting, and take a look around! Please use the links above to navigate.
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